~ Welcome to the ~
Jefferson Davis Camp # 1862
of Mississippi

Jackson-Lee Banquet
January 22, 2005
new ~August 28,2004
~Ceremony Honoring Two Confederate Legends~

~More Images~

To you, Sons of Confederate Soldiers, we submit the vindication of the
cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of
the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the
emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved
and which made him glorious, and which you also cherish. Remember it is
your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future

General Stephen Dill Lee
New Orleans, Louisiana
April 24, 1906


This is the charge we are given to us, the Sons. It is up to us to insure the
good name, values, symbols, and the ideas of our ancestors are honored and

Camp Commander
  Louis P. Foley
1st Lt. Commander
  Barry McCall

2nd Lt. Commander
  Frank Kirtley

 Camp  Chaplain,
Camp Adjutant
   Billy Owen

Brit Gully &
Scott McQuaid
Louis P. Foley Jr.
Wayne McCorkle & Henry Yandle

Newton Doolittle CSA Cemetery


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