~Past Events~
Jackson-Lee Banquet 2004
The Jackson-Lee Banquet was a great success. A crowd of  80+ Southerners attended this year. A fine Southern "supper" was provided by Ms. Earline Broomfield. Britt Gulley, Scott McQuaid, and Tim Gordon provided the crowd with great Southern music. An inspirational speach on the Southern Cause  was given by Mississippi SCV Commander John French.
Our very own Wayne McCorkle was presented with a special recognition for being the top SCV recruiter in the State of Mississippi for the year 2003.
The Jefferson Davis Camp # 1862,and the UDC Robert E. Lee Camp # 2561, would like to thank Louis and Stephanie Foley, Barry McCall, Billy Owen, Frank Kirtley,Britt Gulley,Scott McQuaid,Tim Gordon,the 11th Mississippi Color Guard and all of those that attended,for making this a truly great Southern event.

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