Saturday, August 28, 2004,was a step back in history. Confederate soldiers came back by request of Robert E. Lee Chapter #2561 UDC and Jefferson Davis # 1862 SCV. The group performed a Confederate memorial and sign dedication at the Newton, Doolittle Cemetery.They were honoring Richard Garvin and Sgt. William McCleod of Company D, 46th Mississippi. Both soldiers died in the War of Northern Aggression. General Robert E. Lee, played by, Robert"Mac" McLaurin, appeared for this special occasion and honored Richard Garvin,William McCleod, and all Southern soldiers that fought and died for their homeland.
Louis P. Foley Sr.,Camp Commander of Jefferson Davis # 1862 SCV, and Ms. Barbara Flecther, Chapter President of the Robert E. Lee #2561 UDC gave the welcome address and greetings to the crowd of  85 Southerners that attended the service. SCV re-enactors from across Mississippi attended and presented and retired the colors. Bagpiper, Tim Gordon and singer, Scott McQuaid, performed special Southern music. Memorials were given by Larry Garvin for his Confederate ancestor Richard Garvin, and, Ward Calhoun for William McCleod.
Mrs Edna Williams of the Doolittle family, was recognized and thanked for her family's contribution of the land which is now Newton Doolittle CSA Cemetery. After the service, a reception was held at the Newton Station Depot. Chairman Stephanie Foley served refreshments.
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