The Doolittle CSA Cemetery is located in Newton Mississippi. There are about 100 Confederate Soldiers buried here. The Soldiers were all injured in The Battle of Vicksburg, and transferred to the hospital located in Newton, where they later died.
Below is a list of 30 of the Soldiers. The remainder of the Soldiers are unknown.
Adamson, Wm. J. Co L 30th Ga. died July, 1863
Ayers, Jos. S. Co I 29th Ga. died July 8, 1863
Collins, David M. Co A 29th Ga. died July 20, 1863
Gandy, Brinkley Co H 29th Ga. died August 11. 1863
Goldsby, Wm. M. Co E 1st La Hvy Arty died March 27, 1863
Green, David Co E 31st Miss died March 19, 1863
Gutry, Wm. Co D 4th Ark died June 26,1863
Haralson, Eli P. Co I 20th Miss died September 21, 1862
Hardin, Corp James W. Co D 31st Miss died September 15,1863
Hinson, James E. Co I 29th Ga died September 8, 1863
Holbrook, Andrew J. Co I 42nd Ga died February 19, 1863
Hixson, Sgt. James B. Co B 46th Ga died February 19, 1863
Jackson, Wm. Ala died August 30,1863
Johnson, Alex L. Co D 20th Ala died May 7, 1863
Johnson, R. Co F 12th La died August 9,1863
Kennedy, John B. Co I 30th Ga died July 13,1863
Long, Sgt. Rbt. T. Co B 30th Tenn died August 24, 1863
McClure, Rbt. Co E 40th Ga died February 15, 1863
McDaniel, Corp B. W. Co B 16th S. C died September 23,1863
McLeod, Kenneth Co F 29th Ga died September 20, 1863
McLeod, Sgt. Wm. Co D 46th Miss died February 26, 1863
Mizell, John O. Co B 12th La died November 19,1863
Rogers Wm. Co E 32nd Texas Cav died September 19,1863
Slomas, Jos. Co E 1st La Hvy Arty died April 2, 1863
Terrell, D. Co I 20th Miss died January 8, 1864
Thames, W. W. Co H 6th Miss died August 26, 1863
Vining, Jones (Jonas) Co E 29th Ga died May 5, 1864
Welch, Wm. H Co B 7th Bn Miss Inf died in 1863
Whitten, S. R. Co C 23rd Miss died January 22, 1863
Woody, Thos. J Co A 29th Ga died October 5, 1863

It is said Roger Williams Doolittle offerred the Doolittle family burial ground as the final resting place for the Confederate Soldiers. His daughter Julia was working as a nurse at the hospital and fell in love with a doctor at the Confederate hospital, Albert Puckett. They are both buried here.
